GTK中對於Key Values的解釋

GTK中對於Key Values的解釋

Key Values: "gdk_keymap_get_entries_for_keyval ()

gboolean gdk_keymap_get_entries_for_keyval (GdkKeymap *keymap,
guint keyval,
GdkKeymapKey **keys,
gint *n_keys);

Obtains a list of keycode/group/level combinations that will generate keyval. Groups and levels are two kinds of keyboard mode; in general, the level determines whether the top or bottom symbol on a key is used, and the group determines whether the left or right symbol is used. On US keyboards, the shift key changes the keyboard level, and there are no groups. A group switch key might convert a keyboard between Hebrew to English modes, for example. GdkEventKey contains a group field that indicates the active keyboard group. The level is computed from the modifier mask. The returned array should be freed with g_free().

keymap : a GdkKeymap, or NULL to use the default keymap
keyval : a keyval, such as GDK_a, GDK_Up, GDK_Return, etc.
keys : return location for an array of GdkKeymapKey
n_keys : return location"


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