什麼是 OTA ?

What is OTA ?

網路上 ota 的定義
禦宅原指熱衷及博精於動畫、漫畫及電腦遊戲(ACG)的人,而現在一般泛指熱衷於次文化,並對該文化有極 ...

詳見zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/OTA - 的定義

但是現在要知道的是 :

OTA definition (Phone Arena)

Over The Air -

Standard used for transfer of information between device and wireless network. Usually it is used to upload new software to mobile phones, or download/upload content (such as ringtones, pictures).




Any kind of event, transfer, or transaction that takes place wirelessly using the cellular network, as opposed to using a cable or other local connection.

Usually used in reference to downloading or uploading content or software. Examples include updating phone settings or software, downloading a new ringtone, or uploading a photo.

The term OTA is sometimes used to describe the ability to update phone firmware over the network, which is technically known as FOTA:


網路上有關Android OTA的討論

How firmware update and Application update work through OTA work?

how to implement OTA service ?


Android - G1 - Root Access Why & How

參考網站 @@

Android Application Provisioning Strategies





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