Acer try to improve software technology, start from gain cloud computing

Acer to acquire cloud-service provider iGware

looks like Acer try to improve software technology, start from gain cloud computing

but  Acer shares inch up 0.48 percent

The share price of Acer Inc (宏碁) rose by an anemic 0.48 percent as the PC maker’s newly unveiled plan to acquire privately held cloud-computing company iGware Inc for US$320 million was given a thumbs down by investors, who worried that the expensive deal would not immediately help the company.

another saying Acer shares gain on iGware buyout deal

"The current gains indicate investors are upbeat about Acer's long term prospects by allocating more resources in cloud computing technology," Concord Securities analyst Henry Sun said. 

"Mobile communications has become a trend in the global high-tech sector and Acer seized the acquisition to enter the arena," Sun said. "I think Acer is moving in the right direction." 





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