What is QNAP QuAI

QuAI introduction

AI-based applications and services continue to gain traction in the market, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Within this revolution, the demand for AI computing environments and frameworks is significantly high. QNAP now provides a groundbreaking AI computing platform based on QNAP NAS called QuAI (pronounced "Q A I" ) - QNAP's AI Developer Package.

QuAI help developer to check current envirment and provide tutorial
1. Check Nvidia GPU status
2. QTS GPU settings
3. AI framework tutorial

reference link
QuAI release note https://www.qnap.com/en/app_releasenotes/list.php?app_choose=QuAI
QuAI tutorial https://www.qnap.com/en/how-to/tutorial/quai
Nvidia GPU Driver release note https://www.qnap.com/en/app_releasenotes/list.php?app_choose=NVIDIA_GPU_DRV
How to setup GPU on QNPA NAS https://goo.gl/KRB7cD





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