什麼是 STK ?

SIM Application Toolkit (commonly referred to as STK)


* 移動電話公司與SIM卡製造商合作,在SIM卡中寫入程序達到增值服務的目的。是JAVA在Smart Card上的應用。 ...

* 簡稱“用戶識別應用發展工具”,利用SIM的微處理器,燒錄程序或軟體,讓點心公司發展多樣化的加值服務。 ...

wiki : stk


附註 Cupacake 有關 Radio & Telephony的更新

* New features
o SIM Application Toolkit 1.0.(SIM 卡的 App 工具箱)
o Green CALL button is no longer a shortcut for "add a new call". This has been a rarely used feature and confusing if triggered accidentally.(通話鍵不再是「add a new call」的捷徑,預防誤觸通話鍵)
o Longer in-call screen timeout when using the speakerphone.(加長來電的「timeout」時間,當使用「speakerphone」的時候)
o "Show dialpad" / "Hide dialpad" item added to the in-call menu, to make it easier to discover the DTMF dialpad.(來電時增加「"Show dialpad" / "Hide dialpad"」的功能)

* Significant bug fixes
o An obscure case where the Phone UI could cause the device to not go to sleep on its own. This would happen if user bails out of the in-call screen by hitting HOME, followed by the call disconnecting remotely.
o Don't allow a single tap to open the in-call dialpad. It is now required to touch and drag it. This makes it much harder to accidentally open the dialpad by touching the screen with your face.


Android cupcake(杯子蛋糕)

Android 1.5 Cupcake -> 2009 Mid January release ?

總之硬是要把文章跟Android扯上關係就是了 XDD





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堅持5個月!反送中示威者六大特色 6 features of Hong Kong Anti-ELAB Protesters│老外看香港│郝毅博 Ben Hedges│新唐人電視台