Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 upgrade to Honeycomb 3.1 then it becomes a Brick

just use system update today, then get the 3.1 release

and what i do :

1. after FOTA, use Setting to do factory reset

2. Connect to Wi-Fi

3. Open Browser to download a APK

4. install the APK and Open, normal execute the AP to back

5. go to Samsung Pulse application

then i got Browser and Pulse force close rapidly ....

finally i long press the power key to shut down the device !

i could not enter to Android Launcher any more

i just saw star animation again and again .... sigh

now i am looking for how to do hard reset

reference page :

" I аm surprised bу thе lack οf a reset switch, whісh ѕhουld bе present ѕіnсе thе tablet dοеѕ nοt hаνе a changeable battery (whаt dο wе dο іf thеrе іѕ a serious software error, Samsung?). "



other page :





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堅持5個月!反送中示威者六大特色 6 features of Hong Kong Anti-ELAB Protesters│老外看香港│郝毅博 Ben Hedges│新唐人電視台