問題回報 Something after Galaxy Tab 10.1 upgrade to Android 3.1

previous article :  Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 upgrade to Honeycomb 3.1 then it becomes a Brick

Get feedback from Samsung Customer Support Center

just list how to FOTA 


The update installs through FOTA (Firmware Over the Air) programming. Requirements for this update are:

 Wi-Fi connection
¬ To get additional information about the Wi-Fi connection go to

 Google Account
¬ To get additional information about setting up a Google account go to

 Samsung Account
¬ To get additional information about setting up a Samsung account

  Sufficient Battery Charge - Ensure the battery is charged up to 40% prior to the update. The charger should NOT be connected to the device during the update.

 Disconnect the charger/cable from the port


any way we still need to help myself !

try some article like : 

still not  know how to clean boot !

so still use some old way

fastboot -w 

clear cache and userdata
then it alive ...but without my data ..

From Search Beauty

update NEWs 2011/11/14





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