哈佛台北學院 暑期中文課程

美國在台協會很高興哈佛大學將與台灣大學合作成立「哈佛台北學院」! 哈佛大學與台灣大學合作,將於 2022 年夏天開始,將哈佛的暑期中文課程帶到台北來。過去一年多來,美台一直致力於「台美教育倡議」的推動,透過雙邊大學之間的師生交流來鼓勵華語文學習,這也是美台人民關係持續深化的最佳例證之一。透過這樣的教育倡議計畫,不僅能夠增加台灣和美國大學之間更多交流並促進華語文學習,同時維護學術自由和文化多樣性。 我們期待更多這樣的合作! 想了解更多,請見相關新聞:https://bit.ly/3vqoOp5 優華語計畫:https://bit.ly/3AYxbtc 

AIT is excited about the establishment of the Harvard Taipei Academy at National Taiwan University (NTU)! Through this collaboration with NTU, Harvard University is bringing its summer Mandarin-language program to Taipei beginning in the summer of 2022. This is an example of one of the many ways the United States and Taiwan are working together to expand ties between our two peoples, including programs under the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative to promote Mandarin-language learning by facilitating teacher and student exchanges between Taiwan and American universities, while safeguarding academic freedom and cultural diversity. We look forward to more collaborations like this!
To read more, visit: https://bit.ly/3vqoOp5 About Taiwan Huayu BEST (Bilingual Exchanges of Selected Talent) Program: https://bit.ly/3AYxbtc





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堅持5個月!反送中示威者六大特色 6 features of Hong Kong Anti-ELAB Protesters│老外看香港│郝毅博 Ben Hedges│新唐人電視台